
Last week, representatives of Omenaa Foundation visited the seniors at the John Paul II Social Welfare Home in Krasnystaw, bringing them special gifts from Santa Claus. This year, our Foundation is proud to support the wonderful initiative “Santa Claus for Seniors,” which fulfills the heartfelt...

On November 21st, we celebrated Social Workers' Day at the Opatów Cultural Center, where we had the pleasure of meeting the children from local care and education facilities, their caregivers, and representatives of the Opatów County authorities...

In the 2023/2024 school year, Omenaa Foundation funded tutoring for over one hundred children from care and educational facilities in Nienadowa, Kutno, Suwałki, Nowa Pawłówka, and Strzegowo.   Thanks to regular lessons with teachers, the children and youth were able to catch up on their studies, improve...

As many as 155 children from care and educational institutions are participating in the latest edition of summer camps organized by the Omenaa Foundation in collaboration with BTA Kompas, the London Stock Exchange, and SEXED, an educational project by Anja Rubik. We’ve prepared plenty of fun...

We want to share with you another incredible story made possible by the Omenaa Foundation and the Philanthropic Consortium. This time, the protagonist is Xawier Słupik, a 19-year-old who has lived for many years with a noticeable jaw deformity that caused not only aesthetic issues...

In our daytime educational center “RiO Edu Centrum,” we conducted a professional course for Ukrainian women in the field of professional guest service at the hotel reception, in cooperation with Alchemia Hotelarstwa. Education is the main pillar of the Omenaa Foundation, and we believe that the...